After grabbing that low-hanging fruit I hacked up a vehicle which can couple two other vehicles. That allowed a pickup to couple directly with another pickup & etc. I thought it was a good idea, so initially I went with the most basic route since it was also the fastest: I created a female hitch which could be installed on a pickup or roamer. Those users may prefer to use the special hitches mentioned creating an object which could link two hitches together. Using the giant chain along with two other vehicles will spawn a total of 3 physics threads and therefore users on dual-core laptops or older computers will suffer. Install the female version on one vehicle and then switch to another vehicle which has a normal hitch - you'll be able to couple with the female-hitch-equipped vehicle! Both can accept a hitch, eg they act like a trailer, not a normal hitch. v02 of the mod adds two types of hitch for the pickup/roamer: "female" and "short chain - female".It's just like the Giant Flail, only the spike ball has been replaced with an extra coupler! Therefore this chain may be used to join any two vehicles which have trailer hitches. v03 of the mod adds a new vehicle of the "trailer" type: the "Giant Chain".

(The giant chain spawns a new physics thread, so with two vehicles and a giant chain you've got 3 physics threads which can be hard on dual core laptops / PCs.)īeamNG.Mentioned creating an object which could link two hitches together. On slow computers this hitch will perform better than the giant chain. This special hitch allows you to couple one vehicle directly to another.

Most of that is now depreciated, but the mod still includes one additional piece of equipment for joining vehicles together : " Short Towstrap (Female)". The original iterations also provided a variety of simple attachments to the stock towhitch. While this mod represents a lot of work on my part, it owes all of it's mesh assets and a very strong jbeam heritage to the official Giant Flail. Driving over the chain gently is much more reliable than previously. It's less likely to get stuck in tires than previously. The v0.9 release of BeamNG provides the best performance yet for the Giant Chain.